1. General

Ryterna Entry Ltd manages website and these Site Privacy Terms and Conditions undertake to ensure the security of your personal information and the protection of your rights to you through the use of this site and the content contained therein. In implementing this position Ryterna Entry Ltd is guided by the General Personal Data Regulation (since 25-May-2018), the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data and other legal acts regulating the legal protection of personal data and privacy. Ryterna Entry Ltd has the right to periodically update these rules. The rules for site visitors are always available on this site.

2. Enabling/disabling cookies

The site uses cookies – small text files that your web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari) places on your computer, tablet or smartphone. First time you visit, you will be presented with a table asking for acceptance (“I agree” button) or disagree (“I disagree” button) with the cookies used by the site. By agreeing to Google Analytics cookies, your visit will be included in the page’s visit statistics. By consent you authorize Ryterna Entry to collect, manage and store your browsing history. Disagreement to Google Analytics cookies means your visit will not be included in pageview statistics. Disagreement has no effect on your visit to the page.

3. What type and purpose of the data to be collected

„Google Analytics” cookies
This site uses Google Analytics, the Google Site Analysis Service. Each time you visit, these cookies give the site a “memory” and you are identified as a regular visitor to the site. The collected information is used by Ryterna Entry Ltd in order to conduct a statistical analysis of the site and continuously improve the content of the site. Google Analytics cookies can be used to collect anonymous statistics about your visit to the page: cookie ID, date, pageviews, browsing time, browser used, device type, city, country, language and all other information that you provided to your use in the browser. You can learn more about Google Analytics here:

4. How cookies is stored and secured

Anonymous information collected by a cookies about your use of this site is usually stored on your device and transmitted to a Google server located in the US and is stored there. You can find Google’s privacy policy here: . If you want, you can control and / or delete all cookies already on your computer and set most browsers to prevent cookies from being recorded on your device.
For more information about turning off cookies or changing cookies settings in a browser that you are using, see the following list:

5. Giving information to the third parties

Information about your visit to the site may be reviewed by Ryterna Entry’s employees responsible for website development and maintenance. This information will not be communicated to third parties without your permission, except in cases provided for by law, when such submission is necessary (for example, to law enforcement authorities, the court). Ryterna Entry Ltd can provide collected information about the statistics of the website visit to it’s partners and other parties, but only in such a way that it is impossible to identify specific individuals.

6. Your rights and how you can enforce them

You are entitled to:

  • get information with your visit to;
  • cancel the given agreement for cookies;
  • require to erase all data collected about your visit;
  • require to transfer to yourself all data collected about your visit.

You can implement the above mentioned rights by writing us an email: [email protected]. Response to your request and a description of further actions will be submitted no later than within 15 working days after the request.

Ryterna Entry Ltd, website privacy policy, approved in 2018. May 20.